The date of March 20 was chosen to celebrate the French Language Day. Parlez-vous Français?
French is known as one of the most romantic languages, has an exquisite cuisine and is spoken on 5 different continents. French might not be the most commonly spoken language, but it's a fast-growing language and is the 6th most common language on the internet. French Language Day is also a show of support multilingualism and accepting diversity. The day reminds us to respect other communities and cultures and to act in cooperation with one another - Language can be a bridge between worlds.
This year, Sunday 20 March 2022, brings to the fore "La Francophonie de l'avenir" to highlight the support of La Francophonie to youth and their aspirations, particularly in the areas of entrepreneurship, digital technology and sustainable development.
We're more than excited to celebrate la Francophonie with some French culture, language and history at EXPO2020. Various pavilions will be buzzing with the excitement of hosting cultural events such as concerts, workshops and even French cuisine!
Come and celebrate with us on the Belgian pavilion, we have an array of events taking place. Time to book your agenda!
On Saturday 12 March, Alice On The Roof kicked-off The Francophonie by performing live at the Belgian Pavilion. Alice On The Roof is a renowned Belgian singer Alice on the roof is a 20-year-old Belgian artist. She shot to fame in Belgium with her song 'Easy Come, Easy Go’ and its infectious melancholic sensuality,
Friday 18 March
*Antoine Delie – concert – 4.30 PM and evening - under the wooden arch of the Belgian pavilion. A year ago, he was finalist at “The Voice” France. Today, the the 24-year-old Belgian singer publishes his first album, “Peter Pan” - https://antoinedelie.lnk.to/PeterID. What an amazing voice and breakthrough!
Saturday 19 March
* 12 – 12.45 PM– Comic Book Workshop. We have the honor to welcome 3 Belgian artists, specialized in the writing and illustration of comic strips. Find out how to create a comic strip, how to use the monotype technique and the importance of showing facial expressions.
Register here to secure your spot: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/292993560627
Sunday 20 March – French Language Day
*10AM – 7PM – The Francophonie QUIZZ – come along, learn some French and get to grips with the culture. Many prizes to be won! The quizz takes place at the various pavilions: Belgium, France, Canada, Luxembourg, Congo RDC, Gabon, Guinea, Lebanon, Mauritius, Montenegro, Morocco and Vietnam. Take the tour!
*12 – 12.45 PM – Comic Book Workshop. With our 3 Belgian artists, specialized in the writing and illustration of comic strips, learn how to create a comic strip, how to use the monotype technique and the importance of showing facial expressions.
Register here to secure your spot: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/292995285787
*8PM – La Francophonie Great Show organized by l'Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie (OIF) showcasing amonst other talented personalities, Jenny BSG, a Belgian dancer #AfroCulture, https://youtu.be/9H6UyxZPfNU @Jubilee stage @EXPO2020
Tuesday 22 March
*Mentissa – Evening concert 19H – under the wooden arch of the Belgian pavilion. Mentissa is a Belgian young artist, recently revealed in the program "The Voice". https://youtu.be/y0dbfkpWkUo
Sunday 27 March
*The Belgian comedian - Renaud Rutten – will be performing live just outside the Belgian pavilion. Come to grips with the Belgian sense of humour, you're in for a lot of fun!
And to satisfy your food cravings, taste our delicious cheese croquettes and Belgian meatballs at the BE HAPPY Restaurant @Belgian pavilion. A special "Francophonie" Menu will be available during the long WE celebrations. Sit back and relax at the BE LOUNGE, the rooftop of the Belgian pavilion and taste our selection of Belgian beers or Belgian bubbles.
There is simply so much happening to celebrate the French language & culture @EXPO2020!
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